Research Grant Program

Research with a core focus will always be useful to people.
Fundamental research will lead to the elucidation of diseases.
By providing research funding for outstanding research in the field of life sciences, we aim to stimulate research activities and foster the emergence of new research endeavors, and we are confident that the outcomes will ultimately contribute to the revitalization of industries and the improvement of public lives.

Kishimoto Foundation Research Grant Program

With donations from the Kishimoto Foundation since 2010, our foundation has been conducting research grants under the name of ‘Kishimoto Foundation Research Grants.’
The Kishimoto Foundation was established in 2008 by Dr. Tadamitu Kishimoto (former President of Osaka University and Honorary President of the Senri Life Science Foundation), who discovered IL-6, an important molecule in the research and treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and developed IL-6 receptor antibody.
The Kishimoto Foundation was established in 2008 by Dr. Tadamitu Kishimoto (former President of Osaka University and Honorary President of the Senri Life Science Foundation), who discovered IL-6, an important molecule in the research and treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and developed IL-6 receptor antibody.