

会場開催 受付終了

E6 2014 Senri Life Science International Symposium
“Innate Immunity, Cytokines, and Immune Regulation”

開催日時 2014年1月31日(金) 
コーディネーター 審良 静男
大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター 拠点長 教授
坂口 志文
大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター 教授

プログラム / Program


Talk 1 The non-canonical Inflammasome Pathway

Vishva M. dixit
Genentech Inc, USA
Talk 2 Regnase-1, a ribonuclease essential for the regulation of immune responses

Shizuo Akira
Osaka University, Japan
Talk 3 Dendritic cell diversification in immune regulation

Kenneth Murphy
Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Talk 4 Compartmentalized and systemic control of tissue immunity by commensals

Yasmine Belkaid
Talk 5 Memory T cells

Marc K. Jenkins
University of Minnesota Medical School, USA
Talk 6 Control of immune responses by regulatory T cells

Shimon Sakaguchi
Osaka University, Japan
Talk 7 The immune response in tuberculosis: from mouse models to human disease

Anne O’ Garra
MRC National Institute for Medical Research, UK
Talk 8 A new era for therapy of autoimmune inflammatory diseases

Tadamitsu Kishimoto
Osaka University, Japan


